Category Archives: Writer’s platform

Do you know any pantsers?

How cluttered is your workspace where you write?

I like my office organized. But a small part of me is okay with the mess. I can say the same for any WIP I am working on.

I attended a local writing conference a few years ago. The speaker asked if there were any pantser in the room, and a writer raised her hand and pointed at me.

I, to that point, never heard what this word meant. Looking it up, I liked it. I liked it a lot. Granted, this has gotten me in some bit of a jam on certain WIPs, making me go back and do a brief outline to get myself unstuck.

Did I learn my lesson? No, I did not. I am the writer who likes to sit down and go for it, writing page after page, knowing there will be work to get done on getting the timeline correct.

So, why don’t I bite the bullet? I love the freedom of writing. My juices flow better, and the ideas come faster. It works for me. I know very few pantsers. Wait, that isn’t right. I can’t think of a single writer that, like me, without an outline. It would be cool to find some so we could have that connection.

An outline gives you direction, a timeline that will be adjusted and adjusted as it gives you focus on the material. It can help you with plots, characters, and scenery. It might help you look up in the air less as you try to work out a problem that you are having. From everyone I have talked to, this is the route they feel flows.

And that is what it is what flow works for you.

I never knew my style had a name. I like it because it describes my writing style to the letter. It works for me and my characters. Why change that up now?

Waiting for edits: Not always easy

Waiting can be so incredibly hard.

I am waiting for my editor to work on two of my manuscripts. One is in its last edit off to the publishers. The other one is just in the first round of edits, so I have some time to get that one into shape.

So, while I wait, what to do?

I could start another project, work on my social platform, or any other avenue. Or, I can waste time and not do any of that, which is what I have been doing. Life always gives us things to do.

I have been working at the house by cleaning, cooking, and taking care of errands.

But now it’s time to sit down and decide if I work on volume five of my children’s series, volume two of my humor series, or finally get to work on a project I just have not given enough time. I don’t know to be honest.

As authors, we tend to have more than one project. I have more than I will be able to complete and get published. The ideas just run rampant in this noggin of mine. That can be good and not so good.

I need to reorganize my office of WIPs I have, supplies, research, and maybe something will inspire me to work on while I wait.

And because life has a sense of humor, I will probably hear from my editor, and that is where my direction will head before I make any headway.

The struggles of finding blog content

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Coming up with blog content for this blog, or any blog, is not always easy. And to do it on a weekly basis just adds to the whole process of writing something people might actually want to read instead of just deleting it once it hits their email box. How often is too much? How little is not enough? There are varied opinion to both sides. It all depends on what works for you and your site. I been fortunate that things have popped into my head that I feel might be of interest to my readers. I have not always gotten it right but I still keep plugging away.

But what do I keep plugging? I’m a writer, it is what I do. Even if no one is listening that doesn’t stop me from moving forward and it shouldn’t stop you either. Some people have a theme and stick to it. This could be strictly about their works or perhaps more concentrated on a topic like writing, politics, religions and all that fun stuff.

I like my readers to get to know me as a writer and as a person. For once you are personable to your readers then perhaps you will get a fan for a life time. It is not easy, it takes a lot of time and effort and there are days you wonder what the heck am I still doing this? But once you get the writing bug in you, it is so hard to let go even if you want to let it go. I want to bring people on a journey with me. Like I want to go on a journey with others when they blog about what is on their mind or what is going on with them.

I surely hope I don’t bore the lot of you with my pieces, sometimes just ramblings of what comes into my head. To those who have stayed and read I appreciate it very much. To those I might have lost, safe travels. To those who have not found this place yet, hopefully we will meet soon.