Category Archives: Writing tips and ideas

Jasper, Amazon parrot’s latest review:

I posted here recently about hearing from your readers. After that I received a review for volume one of my Jasper, Amazon parrot series. 

Woohoo! What a way to start the day.

Here is a bit of the review, followed by the link.


Review: Jasper Amazon Parrot

I have raised birds and have talked with many owners of Amazon parrots and all express how talented their avian friends are.

I learned that the background to creating this book was the author looking around her home to see if she could locate anything to write about. She landed on her rescued Amazon parrot, Jasper, and decided to create a book series of Jasper’s adventures.

In this short children’s story, Sally’s eggs hatch. Shortly thereafter, Jasper jumps out of the nest with his brother Willie and both fall to the ground. They are separated for a short time and meet Al. Sally appears and they head back home with her. She exits and they find themselves in a precarious position when ants threaten them. With the help of their mother, the brothers survive and when fully fledged they attempt to fly and plop to the ground again. This is when they come upon a spider monkey named Charlie. 

Mom returns and reminds them of the importance of flying practice. Mom leaves to scavenge and the two brothers report in to their neighbor, Mrs. Peabody. Soon after the brothers begin a thrilling adventure with Charlie and along the way they meet a sloth named George. 

This is a wonderful story about exploration and observation of the nature of the Amazon. I feel the best thing about this detailed adventure is it may help young readers gain a greater appreciation for the most biologically diverse place on Earth.


What are your writing goals for 2024?

So, it’s a new year. It is time to shed off what didn’t work with my writing. It is time to try new things. It is a chance to shine even further with your WIP and books.

Where do you start?

I will check my social platforms, seeing how active I was on them, if anyone interacted with me, and so on. There are always new platforms to try out. I also like to clean my office. I have a few WIPs waiting for me to do something with them.

Getting the ducks in a row helps me get started with the beginning of another year.

I have two books in the editing/final stages with two publishers. I will incorporate the things that go with releasing a book.

I told myself repeatedly last year to join contests, which I did not do once. May this be the year I do so.

There are no writing groups in my area like there used to be. I can start one, I started a few, or try one online. I have never tried a writing group online.

As you can see, I have ideas floating in my head. I am hoping to get them straightened out so I can improve on my writing career.

I hope to see in a few months changes that will advance where I was in 2023. If nothing else, I hope I will write more in 2024 than the previous year.

Good luck to me and others on this journey in 2024

Support for being a writer: Do you get any?

What kind of support do you get from those around you and in your circle about your writing?

When I started on this path, my first encounter was with a new group out of a local library. There were seven of us, six being librarians. I even kid if I needed to be a librarian to be in the group.

But from that group came so much information, support, and help in a way I didn’t have before and didn’t know I needed until I met the ladies. It was eye-opening and amazing at the same time.

How many of us have such support? Do we get it from our friends who aren’t writers? Do we get it from our family members?

If we get any support apart from other writers, that is huge and just welcoming. Some of us get most of our support, if not all, from other authors.

But when our relatives and friends purchase our books and support us in any way, our mental and writing state is lifted.

There are so many ways to support a writer that you know apart from purchasing their books. You can share their website and their social platform. One can mention your books if a conversation arises that the topic is fitting. You can share when they are giving a speech or if they have a table at a conference.

Every bit helps to propel the writer you know or writers you enjoy reading. It might take a village, or it might just take five minutes out of your day.

As I have said repeatedly on this site, writing is a solitary profession. One has to have discipline and motivation, to name a few, to write when it is up to you to get it done. So, when one has support, regardless of where it comes from, that helps. In ways, you and the author might never know.