Tag Archives: Reviews for your book

Do you hear from your readers?

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Do you ever hear back from people who read your books? It could be in a review, purchasing more than one of your books, or perhaps they tell you whether they like it.

One of my favorite reviews came from a grandfather who told me about his grandson who had read the first volume of my Jasper, Amazon parrot series. He told me his grandson put down his electronic device and started to read. When he finished the first volume, he asked his grandfather where volume two was. It makes me happy.

One will not always get five-star reviews, and you might even get a one or two-star review. It happens. We need to evaluate how to keep going.

Writing for our target audience, whoever they are, must be kept at the forefront of our minds when writing our books. It is so easy to veer left or right during the writing.

Writing for children is hard, or so I have been told. You have to write in a way that is not over their heads or below their intelligence. Adults will read a book, and if they are not a fan of the book, they will still read a bit more to see if they can salvage it to finish the book. A child doesn’t give that kind of commitment. If they don’t like your book by the first few pages, they will look for another one. Parents pay attention to what their kids like.

I had a mother who wrote what her son told her about the first volume of my Jasper series.

My kid: it made me feel happy, calm, and emotional in some parts. 📗🦜🦜

 I enjoy reading this book to my kid.

That made my day, and it still does.

Kids are enjoying what I write. And I try to make sure I always write for the target audience. Insulting your readings by not doing so does no one any favors.

Here is to the next book and hopefully more happy readers.