Cross promoting with other authors


As a writer do you try to hog the whole show? Are you unwilling to cross-post with another author? Are you unwilling to interview someone and place it on your website, unwilling to read another person’s book and review it or unwilling to give anyone else space on your page giving them the spotlight instead of you?

If you haven’t figure out by now writing is a solitary job. The only time it is a team effort as far as actually writing it is when you are collaborating with another writer to write a book together. Helping another writer out doesn’t diminish what you write or take away your spot as an author. By sharing with each other we learn plus who knows we may get more hits or more noticed by helping another writer out.

From the authors I know online I been blessed that it is a co-op situation with us helping each other. Sadly the people I know in real life are too busy pushing themselves out there that a/ it’s all about them and b/ even when they talk to you it is all about them with rarely a mention in asking how I am doing. True, some do ask but they are the exception.

I use to think this way not willing to give up space, thought or time. But that doesn’t get anyone much anywhere. And while this space on the web hasn’t shown it in a bit I use to do just that with the interviews, the cross-post and the reblog. I need to get back to doing that.

One thought on “Cross promoting with other authors”

  1. I agree. In the beginning, I had time to share posts, interviews, and promotions, but I got really busy. I do try to keep up, but I’m behind, even on my own stuff. Facebook is where I have been sharing the most, but when the weather breaks I will be getting back to my blog.

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